Operators Mainnet Campaign

  • Operator Name: Chorus One
  • Website: chorus.one
  • Operator Profile: Institutional Staker
  • Experience: Chorus One is one of the biggest non-custodial institutional staking providers with over $3B in assets staked. We operate infrastructure for 50+ Proof-of-Stake networks including Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, Avalanche, and Near amongst others. Since 2018, we have been at the forefront of the staking industry and now offer easy enterprise-grade staking solutions, industry-leading research, and also invest in some of the most cutting-edge protocols through Chorus Ventures. Our robust security, high MEV rewards, and secure infrastructure setup make us a trusted choice for institutions and investors.
  • Team: Our mission is to facilitate freedom and ownership for everyone through decentralized networks. The Chorus One team is comprised of over 60 professionals with several years of experience in operating Proof-of-Stake networks.
  • Mainnet restake amount: -
  • Where do you run your infra: We work with providers in most regions, with a focus on EU/Europe.
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: -
  • Performance Metrics: Full performance metrics, via Rated
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
    We ran EigenDA on Goerli since late last year, with active set participation starting January 2024. Our testnet deployer address was 0x234649b2D3c67E74f073F9C95Fa8b10846c93a6b.
    Currently, we are active on Holesky with the same registered address.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    We base our AVS selection on a thorough research process and our extensive experience as a trusted infrastructure provider, and hope to contribute closely to develop and onboard a number of partner AVSs.
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