Operators Mainnet Campaign

Operator Name: Eigenstaker

Website: N/A

Operator Profile: Solo-Staker


  • Operated nodes for Zora, Linea, Elixir, EigenDA, and Mangata. I am new to running nodes but crypto native since 2015.

Team: Solo-Validator

Mainnet restake amount: 5 ETH

Where do you run your infra: Germany, USA

What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: TBA (lower than average)

Performance Metrics: Almost at 100% until Goerli rugged lmao.

EigenDA Testnet Performance: I was in the active set for a while for eigenDA and upgraded the node a couple times. Not too bad. Easy to learn and master.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:

  • Are you running any AVS testnets other than EigenDA? Currently only Mangata
  • Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to? None
  • How do you plan to evaluate AVSs? Based on our regional strengths and extensive experience in operating various chains, we plan to onboard multiple AVSs as a trusted infrastructure provider.
  • Operator Name: silent

  • Website: https://silentvalidator.com/

  • Operator Profile: Solo-Staker

  • Operator Address: https://goerli.eigenlayer.xyz/operator/0x9820f23495ee66029c25e567b34a380856f3e92c

  • Experience: Silent validator is a professional validator with extensive experience in running 20+ mainnet validators, including Dymension,Avalanche, Evmos, Stargaze. We started our validator journey since 2021, and since then, we’ve successfully safeguarded assets exceeding 8 million USD, earning the trust of over 20,000 delegators.

  • Team: We are a small team comprised of experienced devops engineers, developers and contents creators.

  • Mainnet restake amount: TBD

  • Where do you run your infra: Europe

  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 5%

  • Performance Metrics: We maintain a 99.9% + uptime.

  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:

    • Describe your experience running the EigenDA testnet. The node operation is very smooth. We utilize a range of tools including Prometheus, Grafana, and AlertManager along with a self-developed tool to monitor our servers and nodes closely, maintain a high uptime.

    • How long were you in the active set? We were in active set since we joined the testnet in January.

    • What were your performance metrics? We have maintained a 99.5%+ Uptime, upgrade the nodes within 12 hours.

  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:

    • Are you running any AVS testnets other than EigenDA? We plan to join other AVS testnets such as Witness Chain and Mangata Finance.

    • Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to? We are looking for chances to join other AVSs.

  • Social
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/EthExploring
    Mirror: https://mirror.xyz/exploring.eth
    Medium: https://medium.com/@exploring.eth

  • Operator Name: DreamGallery

  • Website: Building

  • Github: DreamGallery

  • Operator Profile: Solo-Staker

  • Experience: Joined in crypto 4 years ago and started operating nodes and validator in the past 2 years. I have run the goerli testnet validator and run a 4 nodes cluster on Obol bia testnet. Now I have been participating in various projects of cosmos ecosystem.

  • Team: Solo operator graduated from Cyber Security, also a developer.

  • Mainnet restake amount: 5 ETH

  • Where do you run your infra: Poland, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong

  • Operator commission rate: 5%

  • Performance Metrics: No less than 99% uptime, 7x24 hours monitoring and alert

  • EigenDA Testnet Performance: Joined the EigenDA testnet and run from 1/15 2024 to 2/29 2024, have staken around 30,000 geth successively to keep active, update in time and maintain normal operations during active period, nearly 100% uptime excluding upgrade.

  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: As I said before, I have participated in the Obol bia testnet and run a cluster, and preparing to join another cooperation activities beetween lido and Obol. All participation provides more experience for providing better services.

  • Operator Name: Openbitlab
  • Website: https://openbitlab.com/
  • Operator Profile: Institutional Staker
  • Team& Experience: In the crypto space since 2013 and active as node operator networks since 2016, we have supported 50+ networks, with 20 active mainnet positions and more than $20m in delegated assets. We work transversally on multiple ecosystems like Cosmos (Kujira, Quicksilver, Archway
), Ethereum (Stader), Substrate (Polkadot, Kusama, Moonbeam
), and native L1s (Lisk, Tezos, Near
  • Mainnet restake amount: 4 ETH
  • Where do you run your infra: EU (France, Poland, Germany, UK) and India
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 2-5%
  • Performance Metrics: We built custom tooling like Srvcheck and Srvbeat to monitor our infrastructure, achieving ~99% uptime across all the supported networks.
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance: https://goerli.eigenlayer.xyz/operator/0x3eb9d726b9d14fb79c289c8c2c7d6cc3c68bb36c. We joined EigenDA active set on Dec 31st, with 100% uptime.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: We are actively exploring opportunities to participate in other AVSs.
  • Operator Name: Tecnodes Network

  • Website: https://www.tecnodes.network/

  • Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

  • Where do you run your infra: EU & Asia

  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 5%

  • Performance Metrics: Our commitment to high-quality hardware, custom monitoring, remote signing, and a 24/7 operations center guarantees 99.99% uptime.

  • EigenDA Testnet Performance: 100% uptime was maintained throughout active set operation.
    Operator id: https://goerli.eigenlayer.xyz/operator/0x32b7f4cb2cfcbf6a24d21a79be952b9dcb217824

  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: We are running Mangata AVS and are in the active set
    Mangata AVS Operator id: f04227a4fe2d6a903d84b7f632b6b9a921e8658e6e00e9582dc52b6691b37e87

  • Who we are: Details below:

About Us
Tecnodes is a forward-looking organization poised at the intersection of technology and decentralized solutions. Our team’s foundation is built upon decades of combined experience in network security, blockchain validation, and high-performance system maintenance. Our passion drives us beyond just being validators; it’s about fostering a more decentralized and collaborative digital future.

Our history is ingrained in the advancement and advocacy of key network systems, ensuring their robustness and integrity. With our in-depth knowledge and hands-on expertise, we position ourselves as one of the reliable pillars supporting the next era of decentralized networks.

Harnessing our background in multiple blockchain platforms, we’ve entrenched ourselves in the heart of various PoS systems, ensuring their optimization and seamless operation. Our dedication is evident from our relentless efforts in contributing to testnets and mainnets alike. We are validating on several CometBFT, Substrate & EVM based networks, a full list can be found on www.tecnodes.network

Tecnodes is uncompromising when it comes to the safety and security of our operations. Our decades-long engagement in the field enables us to:

Ensure keys are stored securely on dedicated hardware devices.
Conduct key generation in highly secure environments.
Implement redundant systems to eradicate single points of failure.
Execute regular backups for swift recovery.
Protect user accounts with advanced measures such as MFA.

At Tecnodes, we embrace the best of what technology offers. Our reliance on leading-edge cloud technology ensures that we provide unparalleled uptime and performance. Our systems are geared for growth, capable of scaling as the network demands expand.

Speed, efficiency, and responsiveness are at the core of our operations. We ensure that our infrastructure, while robust, is nimble enough to adapt to the ever-evolving demands of the networks we support.

Openness and transparency are the cornerstones of our communication ethos. We believe in keeping our community and stakeholders informed, and we maintain active channels across platforms like email, Telegram, and our official website, Tecnodes Network. Twitter / X

Our commitment extends beyond validation. We envision a decentralized future and actively participate in governance to mold the shape of networks we believe in. Our collective wisdom, stemming from various domains, allows us to provide balanced insights, ensuring the long-term success of projects we’re part of.

X / Twitter: @TecnodesNetwork
Discord: tecnodes
Telegram: tecnodes_network
Github: https://github.com/tecnodes-network/

Operator Name: EigenBusters
Website: http://eigenbusters.com/
Operator Profile: Solo-Staker (team)


→ Bittensor: Played a pivotal role in enhancing the network’s reliability and performance, significantly contributing to its adoption and the expansion of its node infrastructure.
→ Qubic: Led initiatives that improved computational resource sharing, directly impacting the efficiency and scalability of the Qubic protocol.
→ Polkadot Ecosystem: Contributed to several Polkadot parachains.

Throughout my tenure, I have consistently prioritized innovation, collaboration, and technical excellence. My contributions have not only fostered the growth of these platforms but also empowered communities by enhancing decentralized functionalities and user experiences. My commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in decentralized systems remains unwavering, as I continue to explore new challenges and opportunities within this dynamic field.

Our team’s expertise is not only rooted in hands-on experience but is also academically reinforced. Some of our members have pursued formal education in blockchain technology at the university level, equipping us with a robust theoretical foundation and cutting-edge insights into blockchain’s evolving landscape. This unique blend of practical and academic knowledge enables us to tackle challenges creatively and effectively, driving innovations that adhere to our commitment to privacy and decentralized solutions.

Together, we are committed to leveraging our collective skills and knowledge to contribute to the advancement of the blockchain ecosystem, fostering a more secure, private, and equitable digital future for all.

Mainnet restake amount: 100+
Where do you run your infra: US and Europe
What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 5%

EigenDA Testnet Performance:
We have experience running EigenDA on Goerli testnet, all the time inactive mode since we join testnet.

EigenDA Testnet Performance:
In the early stage of the EigenDA Testnet, our team made the strategic decision to join as operators. Our operator has consistently maintained high uptime, a testament to our technical prowess and dedication to operational stability.

Operator Name: Ser Node
Website: ser-node.alakikhosh.com
Operator Profile: Solo-Staker.
Experience: We have been running validation and nodes for different networks for more than two years.
Team: A team of experienced and young people who have been active in crypto since 2017 and also have coding and design experience.
Where do you run your infra: Finland, Germany, USA
What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 5 %
Performance Metrics: We have 99.8% uptime on goerli EigenDA testnet
EigenDA Testnet Performance:
since we were in active set from Dec-16 we experienced several upgrades and all ones are smooth and takes under than 2 hours to fully updated.
How long were you in the active set? from Dec-16 2023 to Feb-25 2024
What were your performance metrics? 99.98 uptime
Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
Are you running any AVS testnets other than EigenDA? No, only EigenDA but we are ready to run future AVSs.
Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to? Yes, our team is considering several projects. After the final summary we started opting in one or tow projects.
How do you plan to evaluate AVSs? with our high performance we could provide huge rewards for our delegators.
Are there any types of AVSs you would not opt into? there isn’t currently


First of all, let me say that it is our honor to be able to cooperate with the Eigenlayer project.Thank you for allowing the interaction

Operator Name: LEO

Website: [email protected] / https://t.me/OXKMI

Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

Experience, Team: we have 2 devs and 1 portfolio managers. also we are investing in high risk and newborn projects in crypto market. believe in keeping things simple yet effective. My team is dedicated to providing node and validation services, also we have a lot of experiences in many different nodes like celestia,obol,avail and
 but for 2024 we are focused on Eigen

Where do you run your infra: Finland,Germany,turkey

What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 3 to 5%

EigenDA Testnet Performance: 100%

How long were you in the active set? From Jan-11-2024 to last day and end off goerli sunset. we stay with eigen testnet to last seconds. https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x9a1B63C24970d117bDE84Ea6E4DCE4332dCEe4FB

Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to? Sure , we’re looking for more info about the upcoming AVSs. but we focused on eigen


We operate high-performance servers with backups always ready to jump into action.we have no slashing and no delay

[email protected]

  • Operator Name: Happy Feet
  • Website: https://twitter.com/redbottomdancer
  • Operator Profile: Solo-Staker
  • Experience: I have been in crypto for 5 years. Expert in EVM and Bitcoin dev. Remilio
  • Team: I do not have a team, it’s just me. I represent the Milady collective though.
  • Mainnet restake amount: I don’t have any mainnet restake at the moment.
  • Where do you run your infra: Virginia
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 10%
  • Performance Metrics: 100% Uptime
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
    I was in the EigenDA top 200 set. I was booted once for low stake, but added to regain top 200 status. I had 100% uptime.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    I have just been running EigenDA, but I am looking to opt-into as many AVS as possible.
Operator Name: Arthapala
Website: https://arthapala.vc/ (about to be launched)
Operator Profile: Institutional Staker
Experience: Long term experience in crypto and now as institutional, fully EU-regulated staking company. 
Team: IT- and marketing professionals, crypto enthusiasts.
Mainnet restake amount: more than 1000 validators over Eigenlayer on mainnet.
Where do you run your infra: USA, Canada, Germany
What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: provide 5-7%
EigenDA Testnet Performance:
    We did not participate in Goerli testnet, hope to do it in Holesky/mainnet.
Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    Open to participate in other AVSs.

Contact: [email protected]
Telegram: @arthapala

Address for Holesky Testnet:

  • Operator Name: 57s
  • Website: https://github.com/57s
  • Operator Profile: Solo-Staker
  • Experience: I have over 7 years of experience in blockchain technology. I have successfully managed my own staking nodes, gaining extensive hands-on experience with the technical and security aspects of solo staking
  • Team: As a solo-staker, I leverage my in-depth knowledge and skills in managing my staking operations. I also stay actively engaged with online staking communities for updates and support
  • Mainnet restake amount: >300 ETH
  • Where do you run your infra: Central Europe
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 2%-5%
  • Performance Metrics: 99% uptime
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
    • Describe your experience running the EigenDA testnet:
      • Running the EigenDA testnet was a smooth experience. I encountered some challenges (the most common bugs are about getting back to the set) and successfully resolved them.
    • How long were you in the active set?
      • Since late November till the Goerli sunset. >95% of the time I was in active set
    • What were your performance metrics?
      • I was rolling updates in time, keeping 99% uptime
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    • How do you plan to evaluate AVSs?
      • Evaluation criteria involves technology robustness, compatibility with my infrastructure, and economic model
    • Are there any types of AVSs you would not opt into?
      • Possibly due to ethical concerns

Operator Name: AZUKI
Website: [email protected] / https://twitter.com/4riy4Kmi
Operator Profile: Solo-Staker
Experience: we are devs.
We have experienced many successful projects in different fields in the crypto market. The experience of cooperation in FireChain, Celestia , obol and

Team: 2 dev, 2 marketing managers. 3 top trader
Mainnet restake amount : 15ETH
Where do you run your infra: Germany.Turkey
What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: from 2 to 5 %
Performance Metrics: Uptime 99.8%, no slashing on our experience.
EigenDA Testnet Performance:
Our AVS in the EigenDA testnet
We set up our operator almost from scratch, and it was active for a several weeks.
How long were you in the active set? from Jan-14-2024 https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x5cB0EdA101b39587f9373f4f7ED38956925530c4 ****
In 2024, our focus will be solely on Eigenlayer and its ecosystem, with additional AVS potentially considered next year.
We are open to contribute to any AVS projects

  • Operator Name: ENK Investment Group
    Testnet Node: 0xc7b8134e0589deb7534fd0c68d0fbf707959b713
  • Operator Profile: Solo Staker
  • Experience:
    Our initial foray into crypto began with investing in well-known cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. As I witnessed the volatility and potential of these assets, I became increasingly intrigued by the underlying technology and the various ways individuals could participate in the ecosystem.
    Mining Bitcoin and Ethereum has been a significant part of our journey. Over the years, we have gained valuable experience in the process of validating transactions, securing the networks, and earning rewards through mining activities. While the technical aspects of mining can be complex, our dedication and commitment have allowed us to navigate and thrive in this ever-evolving landscape.

Staking, another integral aspect of our crypto journey, has provided us with opportunities to actively participate in network validation and governance. By staking our digital assets, we contribute to the security and decentralization of blockchain networks while earning rewards in return.

Additionally, running a node has deepened our understanding of blockchain technology and empowered us to take a more active role in supporting the networks. Hosting a node not only facilitates transactions but also contributes to the resilience and decentralization of blockchain ecosystems.

Our experience in the crypto space has been shaped by a combination of mining, staking, and running a node. These activities have not only allowed us to grow as individuals within the crypto community but have also empowered us to actively contribute to the development and decentralization of blockchain networks.

  • Mainnet restake amount: 50+ ETH.
  • Where do you run your infra: Italy, Netherland and Turkey.
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 2-4 %
  • Performance Metrics: 99.95% Uptime
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
  • We have been running EigenDA nodes since the early days with nearly 100% stability
  • Our node was part of the active set for several weeks initially, and subsequently re-entered the active set after capacity increases and breaking upgrades.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
  • We will onboard to Drosera and Espresso. More will follow.
  • AVS / project evaluation will be based on utility, rewards and risk.
  • We are open to any AVS if they pass our criterias

Enhance Your Visibility on Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ENKinvestment

  • Operator Name: Crouton Digital
  • Website: https://crouton.digital/
  • Operator Profile: Institutional Staker
  • Experience: Running validator nodes since 2021, participated in multiple testnets and got delegations to mainnet from team, you can see more on our website. We have experience in different ecosystems, such as Cosmos, Polkadot, Solana and EVM. We are one of the top relayers in Cosmos ecosystem, also we provide web3 services for all projects that we participate in.
  • Team: We are team from Latvia, and we have EU license for crypro-fiat operations. Overall we have 13 team mebers with different roles. 3 skilled dev-ops, 3 engineers, analytics, designers and community managers.
  • **Mainnet restake amount:**4 ETH
  • Where do you run your infra: We have infrastructure in different parts of world (Asia, Europe, USA) and we can use any of those, depending on project needs.
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 5-10%
  • Performance Metrics: 99,99% across other projects , upgrading time 5-10 min.
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance: 100%
    • Describe your experience running the EigenDA testnet. We were in active set since very beginning, and we drop out of active set (not enough ETH was staked). Then again we were part of active set when validator set increased. Overall we faced no issues, and it was a pleasure to participate.
    • How long were you in the active set? As i said before we were in active set since very beginning. Than we get dropped out of active because not enough ETH was staked to our validator. Approx. couple weeks of active set.
    • What were your performance metrics? 100%
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: Yes we are looking forward to it.
    • Are you running any AVS testnets other than EigenDA? We were part of Lido x Obol testnet , and now we are selected for mainnet. Also we participated in Lido x SSV (DVT) testnet.
  • Operator Name: Pumpy no Dumpy
  • Website: https://twitter.com/pumpynodumpyy
  • Operator Profile: Solo Staker
  • Experience: I like to tinker with code, and contribute to early ecosystems. I have experience doing exactly this for a long time.
  • Team: I am 32 years old. I generally stay under the radar. I operate by myself and have no team.
  • Mainnet restake amount: N/A
  • Where do you run your infra: Ireland
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 8%
  • Performance Metrics: 90%+ Uptime on testnet
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
    I was in the active set for a few weeks. Looking to get back on track.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    No plans currently. Open to AVS opportunities.
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  • Operator Name: Reserve
  • Website: https://twitter.com/solanareserve
  • Operator Profile: Institutional Staker
  • Experience: Expertise in economics, policy, and technology.
  • Team: We are a team of people committed to serving the public.
  • Mainnet restake amount: None (yet)
  • Where do you run your infra: Frankfurt
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 4 %
  • Performance Metrics: We have very good metrics
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
    EigenDA was great. We joined shortly before Goerli went down. Looking to pivot to Holesky ASAP.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    We value safety first, and want to avoid putting restakers at a poor risk adjusted return.
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  • Operator Name: Enzoro
  • Website: https://github.com/enz0ro
  • Operator Profile: Mid size company.
  • Experience: Running validator nodes since 2020, we gained trust in such projects as Dymension, Umee, Jackal, Quicksilver etc (we got delegation from teams). We support projects from early stages and help them to achieve it goals.
  • Team: Skilled dev-ops with 12 years of experience, engineering team with experience in web2 and web3. Share minded team, who are ready to work 24/7.
  • Mainnet restake amount: 2 ETH
  • Where do you run your infra: Latvia, Germany, Tokyo.
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 5%
  • Performance Metrics: 99,9%
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance: 100%
    • Describe your experience running the EigenDA testnet. We were part of active set for quite long time, we managed to attract delegation for our node from community.
    • How long were you in the active set? 1-2 month.
    • What were your performance metrics? 100%
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    • Are you running any AVS testnets other than EigenDA? We have experience in multiple projects, most similar is Lido, Obol, SSV
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Operator Name:
Ethereum Eutopia
Address: 0x2784c83ebe616327b4be58fe31bb6aac7ef7e4c4


Operator Profile:
We are a team of developers transitioning from solo staking to institutional staking operations. Our background includes extensive experience in node operation across various networks.

Our team has over two years of experience in node operation, participating in numerous projects such as Celestia, Dymension, Zora, Taiko, Avail, Berachain, Aleo, and Eigenlayer. We have consistently maintained an overall uptime of over 97%, never missing an update or experiencing downtime attributable to our operations. While some projects like Celestia and Dymension have concluded, we continue to operate nodes on active networks, including a presence on the Avail leaderboard.

Our team comprises developers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts deeply embedded in the Web3 space for over five years. We boast a diverse skill set, including backend, frontend, and Solidity development. Our commitment to node operation extends beyond a hobby, approaching it with full dedication and professionalism as we transition to an institutional model.

Mainnet Restake Amount:
Prefer not to disclose.

Where do you run your infra:
Our servers are primarily located in Germany, with a portion in Australia.

What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate:
We plan to set our commission rate based on market conditions. However, based on our experience, a rate of 5% seems reasonable for this type of node operation.

Performance Metrics:
Our team has consistently demonstrated exceptional performance across various networks, characterized by high uptime, rapid implementation of upgrades, and adherence to best practices in node operation. We have successfully participated in multiple projects, maintaining a strong track record of reliability and technical proficiency. A report of some can be found here:

  • Celestia: 95% uptime across 3 nodes
  • Dymension: 96% uptime across 3 nodes
  • Avail: 98% uptime across 3 leaderboard nodes
  • Zora: 99.5% uptime across 10 nodes
  • Taiko: 98% uptime across 10 nodes
  • Berachain: 98% uptime across 10 nodes
  • Obol: 82% uptime across 2 clusters

We implement upgrades in under 30 minutes on average, with overall correctness exceeding 98%.

EigenDA Testnet Performance:
Our experience with the EigenDA testnet was smooth. The record can be found here https://goerli.eigenlayer.xyz/operator/0x2784c83ebe616327b4be58fe31bb6aac7ef7e4c4

We managed our nodes well, quickly updating them whenever needed, and keeping them running without issues. A big part of our success comes from our engaged community. We were able to get more than 150 people to delegate their stakes to our nodes. This support was a huge help in keeping us among the top performers in the AVS. Our goal was always to be at the top, and with our community’s help, we made it.

How long were you in the active set?
More than 3 months

Plans to Opt-into Additional AVSs:
We are currently considering joining Esperso as an institutional node operator. While we have not committed to specific projects at this time, our strategy involves thorough research to identify suitable opportunities. We remain open to exploring a wide range of AVSs and do not exclude any projects from potential participation at this stage.

Simply Staking is a blockchain all-in-one team of infrastructure and software engineers that build blockchain tech and operate blockchain infrastructure across countless networks since 2018.

As of Q1 2024, staked assets under management total over $1B.

The group operates infrastructure out of its own highly restricted Tier 3 datacentre in the jurisdictionally unique island of Malta, with various backup sites across the globe, and a policy against the use of cloud providers.We believe that new, decentralised public infrastructure requires a set of independent, geographically distributed validators operating their own private infrastructure. The fact that many validators rely on cloud infrastructure puts this vision of a decentralised future in jeopardy, by inadvertently centralising networks on a handful of cloud networks that are owned by large corporations.

Infrastructure services provided include oracles, validation, dedicated node and API provision across all ecosystems such as Ethereum, L2s, Solana, Cosmos, Avalanche, Bitcoin and Substrate based chains. This includes the operation of Chainlink oracle infrastructure that powers DeFi across 16 EVM-based platforms.

The team has contributed development resources to major protocols, together with open sourcing various monitoring and infrastructure tooling. Such work includes:

  • Solidity DeFi development.
  • Cosmos SDK product and module development.
  • Monitoring tooling for Ethereum, Substrate, Cosmos and Chainlink infrastructure operations.
  • Risk monitoring tooling for DeFi protocols.
  • Agoric<>Chainlink Decentralised Oracle Network development and management.

Simply Staking is trusted as an infrastructure provider by top ecosystem teams and DAOs such as Lido DAO, Chainlink, Interchain Foundation, Web3 Foundation, Oasis Foundation, Decentralized Cooperation Foundation, amongst many others.

Simply Staking’s dedicated Governance and Community Team actively engages, publishes research reports, and fosters relationships within every relevant and active blockchain community, ensuring that Simply Staking is a thought leader within the ecosystems it is part of.

  • Team: Briefly introduce your team and relevant background.

Simply Staking is a 40+ person multi-disciplinary organisation comprising of various teams working on blockchain development, data analysis, infrastructure and operations, together with governance and protocol research.

  • Where do you run your infra:

We operate a Tier 3, fully redundant datacenter that is the core of our infrastructure operations in Malta. We also have multiple servers which are colocated in dedicated secure cabinets in other datacenters in Europe and North America, choosing datacenters which are not operating public cloud services, to offer further decentralisation,

Datacenter specs include power/cooling/ISP redundancies, PCI-DSS certifications, next generation firewalls inspecting all traffic and full monitoring of all hosts. Our team members have experience across many cloud platforms, however we only operate out of our own premises and colocated full cabinets in foreign datacenters.

  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 3%

  • Performance Metrics: 99.9% with 24/7 incidence response. Our IR process involves an on call rotation of various engineers that follow established processes to investigate and respond to events promptly.

  • EigenDA Testnet Performance: Participated as an operator since Goerli’s testnet launch with great success, and planning to participate on Holesky.

  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: Open to investigating all AVS projects and keen to contribute in any way possible.

1 Like

  • Operator Name: Chorus One
  • Website: chorus.one
  • Operator Profile: Institutional Staker
  • Experience: Chorus One is one of the biggest non-custodial institutional staking providers with over $3B in assets staked. We operate infrastructure for 50+ Proof-of-Stake networks including Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, Avalanche, and Near amongst others. Since 2018, we have been at the forefront of the staking industry and now offer easy enterprise-grade staking solutions, industry-leading research, and also invest in some of the most cutting-edge protocols through Chorus Ventures. Our robust security, high MEV rewards, and secure infrastructure setup make us a trusted choice for institutions and investors.
  • Team: Our mission is to facilitate freedom and ownership for everyone through decentralized networks. The Chorus One team is comprised of over 60 professionals with several years of experience in operating Proof-of-Stake networks.
  • Mainnet restake amount: -
  • Where do you run your infra: We work with providers in most regions, with a focus on EU/Europe.
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: -
  • Performance Metrics: Full performance metrics, via Rated
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
    We ran EigenDA on Goerli since late last year, with active set participation starting January 2024. Our testnet deployer address was 0x234649b2D3c67E74f073F9C95Fa8b10846c93a6b.
    Currently, we are active on Holesky with the same registered address.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    We base our AVS selection on a thorough research process and our extensive experience as a trusted infrastructure provider, and hope to contribute closely to develop and onboard a number of partner AVSs.
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