Latam Community and Portuguese/Spanish translations for Eigen Layer

Hey everyone,
How’s it going?

This post is a temp check. I’m starting to translate articles from the EigenLayer blog into Portuguese and Spanish. You can check out the first one in Portuguese through this link:

  • Why not translate the documentation? Because as I started as a member and without the core team’s authorization, I didn’t want to deal (for now) with sensitive information, which is the case with the documentation.

Note: At the end of the text, there’s a disclaimer stating that the translation is done by a community member and that any discrepancies, the original text should be considered.

Who am I? Apart from being passionate about EigenLayer’s narrative, I’ve been in this web3 ecosystem for almost 5 years, I’m a Product Manager and building in public (goods) at Blockful, a Chainlink Community Advocate, a postgraduate teacher in web3 subjects (I cover DAOs and oracles in my classes), and also a graduate in linguistics and literature (with translation subjects completed during my graduation).

Let me know if I should continue; I have future plans if you guys like the idea:

1. Continue translating blog articles into Portuguese and Spanish.
2. Organize IRL events in Brazil and explain EigenLayer to the local web3 community.
3. Translate EigenLayer’s documentation and more technical articles.
4. Create a chat focused on the Lusophone community (it doesn’t exist yet on Discord).
5. Create a Twitter/X profile to publish updates about the protocol in Portuguese/Spanish.

Thank you, Looking forward to feedback.

(Note that I want to collaborate; there’s no grant request or any solicitation other than permission to build.)