Introducing EigenLayer AI 🤖

Introducing EigenLayer AI :robot:

It’s an AI ChatBot, trained on massive amount of EigenLayer Project Data, and it can answer any questions or query you’ve about EigenLayer, in a very seamless way :sparkles:

Problem Statement:
EigenLayer appears complex. The topics frequently discussed on Forum, CT or discord, such as DA, AVS, and restaking, are difficult to comprehend. Therefore, the primary reason for developing an AI chatbot is to help people understand each topic in a very simple manner :zap:

Backed by OpenAI’s Assistant & Flowise :space_invader:

This is totally my efforts as a community member of EigenLayer, I have been thinking about doing something different than usual stuffs so simply build it, would be happy if got anything from It :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

To safe the AI from spamming, I have integrated the limit functionality too, anyone can only ask 3 question per day with EigenLayer AI, because of server management and OpenAI latest technology costs (Behind the scenes in my paid account) :grin:

Please try it and give me the feedback for more improvements :abacus:

Also, It can integrated on official website or anywhere too, but I don’t know what team thinks about it :man_technologist:

It’s quite Awesome than you think :heartpulse:

Try Here:

pop-up version:


Thank you so much :pray:

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