Permissionless Interoperability with Hyperlane Restaking

Hey everyone! Yorke and Jon here on behalf of Hyperlane to expand on an Eigenlayer middleware idea we are pursuing.

In this post we will introduce the Hyperlane interoperability protocol and demonstrate why its economic security model is an ideal launch partner for EigenLayer’s Ethereum validator restaking initiative. We believe that collaborating would propel both ecosystems to new heights, bringing additional security to Hyperlane users and helping bootstrap demand for restakers.

What is Hyperlane?

Hyperlane is a smart contract protocol for simple and secure message passing between blockchains. This primitive enables interchain composability; examples include simple asset bridging, remote smart contract interaction, or multichain application architectures that leverage parallel blockspace or unique infrastructure features. Hyperlane’s defining protocol characteristics are its modular security and permissionless deployment properties. Modular security, branded as sovereign consensus, allows developers to configure their own security model for each communication channel, potentially composing custom optimistic, proof-of-authority, or economic security models. Permissionless deployment means that Hyperlane can be deployed to any environment, chain agnostically, and enable interoperability with existing deployments.

Interchain Economic Security for Hyperlane

Because of its comparative latency and scaling benefits, economic security is one of the most compelling security models available to Hyperlane developers. A permissionless proof of stake system has validators stake on the source chain and sign outbound messages. If signatures commit to messages that were never sent, proof can be submitted on the source chain to slash the offending validators.

Unlike other interoperability systems with global validator sets and concentrated stake hub chains, Hyperlane validators stake on the same chain they are validating, ensuring that smart contracts can verify and slash for fraud without assuming any honest majority assumption. In exchange for this safety slashing risk, validators are compensated by the protocol. There are no liveness requirements imposed on validators. With these slashing guarantees, message recipients can impose a floor on the economic cost to commit fraud before accepting a message, waiting for enough value at risk before proceeding with message processing.

EigenLayer Restaking for Hyperlane

The operational costs of a Hyperlane validator for a given chain come from the following requirements:

  1. An event indexer, such as a tip syncing full node
  2. A fixed-footprint datastore for making signatures available

The more significant prohibitive cost is the opportunity cost of capital for validators to stake. Ethereum validators adding economic security to outbound Hyperlane messages is an ideal demonstration of the open innovation Eigenlayer can enable.

Safety violations are smart contract verifiable and because liveness is incentivized but not penalized, honest validators theoretically take on zero risk. Furthermore, the marginal cost of capital for eth2 validators to restake into Hyperlane is zero. Protocol fees distributed to Hyperlane validators serve as a strong incentive for validators to choose Eigenlayer as their staking provider.

Benefits to EigenLayer and Hyperlane

There is strong synergy and value alignment between the two protocols. Hyperlane becomes more useful because of the greater economic security, inducing more user activity and increasing fee revenue. For EigenLayer, demand from Hyperlane developers for additional security and additional revenue opportunities create demand to restake ETH. The Hyperlane protocol is in production and poised to bootstrap the market for restaked ETH and usher in the first set of paying customers.

We believe the two protocols are a great match for each other, and a relationship between the two will reinforce positive feedback loops for each of them.

Next Steps

We suggest that Hyperlane, in open collaboration with EigenLayer, integrate a Restaking Interchain Security Module for Hyperlane. This means that interchain application developers can secure messages from Ethereum using an Eigenlayer restaking set. Notably, it could be leveraged by new chains and rollups that have deployed Hyperlane themselves.

In continuing tradition of both teams, this integration would be developed in public as the Eigenlayer client and contract interfaces emerge. Lastly, we invite any and all feedback from the community and can answer questions from any interested parties of this joint offering of Hyperlane with augmented security by EigenLayer restaking in the thread.


I believe Hyperlane is a great use case for Eigenlayer, good luck on the integration guys.

If I understand correctly this proposed integration will secure messages from ethereum, but not from other blockchains to ethereum? Is there a way to secure inbound messages with the same level of cryptoeconomic security?


Thanks so much for writing this up. This is a great usecase for outbound validation of ethereum state.


This integration is great and can be used to bring restaking feature to others chains as well


This is an interesting integration!
One question about the validator set. If the bridge slashes a validator on the source chain, how does that event get sent to the destination chain so that the validator is no longer allowed to pass messages? Is governance intervention needed? In general how does the destination chain know about the validator set?


Great integration and look forward to it


Amazing proposal and Hyperlane + EigenLayer seems like a good fit!

I think this is a great question and I have not wrapped my head around it to come up with a clean solution.

The slashing on ETH seems straightforward: present two conflicting signatures of two headers for the same block height → slash.

However, how can you make the destination chain aware of the validator set is a bit more tricky.

One way to do this is to set a starting point on ETH at blockheight h_0 where there are, let’s say 150 validators participating in this ISM initially. This initial set is recorded on the dst chain’s receiver contract.

Validators can join and will be included by epoch (presumably with a max # joining/leaving per epoch to prevent some attack avenues). And at h_1, the next epoch, the ISM would relay the new set to the dst, similar to a normal transaction.

Would love to hear more ways to do this. I am sure there are a lot better ways to do this more efficiently and safely.


If I understand correctly this proposed integration will secure messages from ethereum, but not from other blockchains to ethereum? Is there a way to secure inbound messages with the same level of cryptoeconomic security?

Our fraud proof protocol requires that validators are staking on the chain that originates outbound messages. If this invariant is violated we can no longer have trustless slashing because our smart contracts cannot prove against remote state without some trusted relayer.

However, any L2 which is settling on Ethereum will have consistency of the canonical mailbox root on L1. This means that chains receiving messages from these rollups can also leverage Eigenlayer economic security (given L2 > L1 trust assumptions).


However, how can you make the destination chain aware of the validator set is a bit more tricky.

This is a great question and definitely deserves more exploration. For now we have left this detail unspecified and defer to applications for discretion on how to configure their validator set.

As you describe, eventually we could have some other path for set rotations. This could leverage social consensus, beacon chain light clients, etc.


Amazing work. Thank you @yorhodes


I’m baffled it looks very promising!


sounds really great guys


Very important all the information you mention, thank you very much, to keep in mind


I am really excited about this :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the explanation. Everything became very clear. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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i agree with you friend @meir


Safety violations are smart contract verifiable and because liveness is incentivized but not penalized, honest validators theoretically take on zero risk. Furthermore, the marginal cost of capital for eth2 validators to restake into Hyperlane is zero. Protocol fees distributed to Hyperlane validators serve as a strong incentive for validators to choose Eigenlayer as their staking provider.


Safety violations are smart contract verifiable and because liveness is incentivized but not penalized, honest validators theoretically take on zero risk. Furthermore, the marginal cost of capital for eth2 validators to restake into Hyperlane is zero. Protocol fees distributed to Hyperlane validators serve as a strong incentive for validators to choose Eigenlayer as their staking provider.


eigenlayer good project and thanks for made this opportunity . Good luck and hope this successful very soon


best topic igenlayer