Operators Mainnet Campaign

  • Operator Name: Lotus Capital
  • Website: https://www.lotuscapital.me
  • Operator Profile: Institutional Staker.
  • Experience:
  • Team: we have a team of web3 engineers who are proficient in automating monitoring and writing scripts to launch nodes very promptly, they have experience managing critical infrastructure at legacy companies.
  • Mainnet restake amount: 5000 Eth
  • Where do you run your infra: MENA
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 15%
  • Performance Metrics: Highlight key metrics that demonstrate your past performance (uptime, correctness, etc).
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance: EidenDA testnet performance:
    we have been running the goerli testnet since its inception without any disruptions, we were occasionally out of the active set but overall we had almost 100% uptime and 95% of the time we were in active set.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    We are setting up aligned layer avs right now. Would love to be introduced to more AVSs and we have spread that news across our network.

• Operator Name: AVSify
• Operator Profile: Solo-Staker
• Testnet Node Address: 0x252A457Aff2255E4E5496EDBA30f55694538DF87
• Experience: AVSify was born to AVSify the metaverse and bring the EigenLayer vision to life.
• Team: My friends call me Blockchain Greta and I am running this show solo.
• Mainnet restake amount: 40 ETH
• Where do you run your infra: Sweden
• What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: Competitive market rate
• Performance Metrics: work in progress
• Describe your experience running the EigenDA testnet: Extraordinary
• Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: Yes, lets do it and AvSify the metaverse! I will opt in all the AVS that has a community!

  • Operator name: zkNodes
  • Website: https://zknodes.org/
  • Operator Profile: Institutional staker
  • Experience: We have been running validators and nodes for various networks since 2020.
  • Team: Solid team currently with love for crypto and infra. Both have technology backgrounds (programming, networking, data)
  • Mainnet restake amount: 1 ETH
  • Where do you run your infra: Singapore, Australia and HongKong
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 10 %
  • Performance Metrics: Stake your funds in our Proof-of-Stake Validator for high security, low commissions and 24/7 monitoring.
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
    Describe your experience running the EigenDA testnet. This was relatively easy node to setup and working smoothly since I setup
    How long have you been on active set? Couldn’t get into active set but try best for Helensky
    What are your performance metrics? 100% uptime
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    Are you running an AVS testnet in addition to EigenDA? Babylon, Dusk, Nulink, CrossFi, etc
    Is there an AVS you plan to take part in? Anything that will seem financially profitable and trustworthy enough.
    How do you plan to evaluate AVS? Based on risk/reward to yield/cut ratio, external security reviews and public opinion
  • Operator Name: Automata
  • Operator address: 0x78FDDe7a5006cC64E109aeD99cA7B0Ad3d8687bb
  • Website: https://ata.network
  • Operator Profile: Institutional Staker
  • Team and Experience: We are committed to developing a modular attestation layer extending machine trust to Ethereum and other blockchain ecosystems. Utilizing our Proof of Machinehood approach, we are bringing machine attestations on-chain to create an unbroken chain of trust in Web3. Since 2021, Automata has garnered extensive experience in managing critical infrastructure components such as RPC gateways, transaction relays, block builders, and validator nodes across diverse networks. Our solutions leverage the robust, hardware-based technology known as Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to secure and streamline blockchain operations.
  • Mainnet restake amount: We have not started the deployment for mainnet
  • Where do you run your infra: US, EU, Singapore
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: TBD, probably 1-5%
  • Performance Metrics: >99.99% uptime.
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance: We have been running in the Holesky active set. While following the official documentation to deploy the operator, we encountered this challenge:
    Despite anticipating being among the top operators and thereby joining as Holesky operator nodes, no tasks were triggered. This has made it difficult for us to confirm the effectiveness of our operator node deployment.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: We maintain an open stance towards evaluating and potentially integrating with various AVS platforms. We will use a rigorous selection process, prioritizing AVSs that align with our core values of decentralization, privacy, and user empowerment.
    Additionally, we plan to develop a multi-prover AVS, leveraging TEE-based prover architecture to enhance the security, correctness, and performance of Ethereum’s rollup networks.
  • Operator Name: Wetez

  • Website: https://www.wetez.io/

  • Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

  • Team & Experience: Wetez is a professional Web3 infrastructure provider. Wetez has been serving the crypto industry since 2018. With credible technical strength and guided web3 construction experience, We’ve provided services for 60+ blockchain projects in Appchain building, DApp development, node operation, API, data storage, data analysis, etc… We are the long-term service provider for blockchains like Ethereum, Polygon, Cosmos, Kava, Oasis, Solana, Mina, Gravity Bridge, etc. In the case of node operation, we offer services such as Staking, Network Security, Tools building, Community Education & Governance, etc.

  • Where do you run your infra: Europe or Asia Pacific

  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 5%

  • Performance Metrics:

    • Node Uptime:99.5%
    • Correctness: 99.5%
    • 0 slash
    • Resource Utilization: We will keep resource utilization well below maximum capacity to allow for spikes in demand and ensure smooth operation. For example, CPU and memory usage should ideally remain below 50-70% capacity during normal operation.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: We are about to participate in EigenDA and Ethos currently. We’ve been active in the staking field for a long time and have a positive attitude towards the AVS testnets. We’d like to support projects that have the determination to develop more possibilities by increasing security through restaked ETH.

  • Operator Name: Kadence
  • Website: https://goerli.eigenlayer.xyz/operator/0x1A5AC9eED2cB79A4E363ca40F4E2e5a93C53bdeB
  • Operator Profile: Highly Available Institutional Validator
  • Experience & Team: Very experienced developer working since the last 2 years on a major DeFi protocol. This is my foray to support the decentralised economy by launching an EigenDA node. I have hired one junior developers to help me efficiently monitor the infrastructure.
  • Mainnet restake amount: 50ETH
  • Where do you run your infra: Saint Lucia
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 2 %
  • Performance Metrics: Highly performant and redundant nodes will be operated with the highest security standards.
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
    • We have been testing all the developments on the EigenDA and really looking forward to launching in the main net.
    • Since beginning of February we have been in active set.
    • 100% uptime while in active set.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    • Currently in diligence phase for auditing the large number of AVS that are in testnet phase.
  • Operator Name: Hash Harmony
  • Website: https://hashharmony.net
  • Operator Profile: Solo-Staker
    Social Links: https://twitter.com/hashharmonies
  • Experience: Over three years of experience in developing and deploying smart contracts on Ethereum and L2 networks.
  • Team: * Our core team is made up of skilled smart contract developers deeply versed in DeFi strategies. We’ve got a solid crew that’s passionate about crypto and infrastructure, all of whom come from tech backgrounds including programming, networking.
  • Mainnet restake amount: 100+ ETH
  • Where do you run your infra: North America & Germany, Finland
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 3 % (may be changed)
  • Performance Metrics: 99.8%
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance: Active set from the start of the testnet Dec-10-2023 (90 days+ active set), 99,8% uptime, 99% chunks signed
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    Participated: EigenDa
    Plan to opt-in: AltLayer, Omni, Ethos
1 Like

Operator Name: Gemgym

Website: gemgym.io

Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

Experience: Gemgym has three years of experience in blockchain operations, running nodes for projects such as Celestia, Obol, Aleo, Sui, Dym, and Aptos and etc. Our focus on building strong communities and ensuring reliable infrastructure has been integral to our success in contributing to various blockchain networks.

Team: Our team comprises experienced professionals with backgrounds in blockchain technology, finance, and operations. We bring a diverse range of skills and expertise to ensure the successful operation of our node. Our team members have extensive experience in blockchain infrastructure management, software development, financial analysis, and community engagement. Together, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of performance and security in our operations.
Mainnet restake amount: Yes, we currently natively restake on the mainnet.

Where do you run your infra: We run our infrastructure in Middle East

Operator commission rate: We plan to set our operator commission rate at 5-8% TDB

Performance Metrics: Our past performance metrics demonstrate our commitment to reliability and operational excellence. With an uptime of more than 50 days, we have consistently maintained a high level of availability, ensuring continuous operation and minimal downtime for the networks we support.
Uptime: over 50 days

EigenDA Testnet Performance:
We actively participated in the EigenDA testnet for more than 50 days.
During this time, our performance metrics included an uptime exceeding 90% demonstrating our commitment to maintaining reliable node operations. Additionally, our participation rate in network activities and governance processes was consistently high, contributing to the overall success and stability of the testnet.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
Yes, we are considering participating in additional AVSs.
Our evaluation criteria for AVSs include assessing their performance, security features, scalability, governance mechanisms, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. We prioritize AVSs that align with our mission and values, and we conduct thorough testing and analysis before making any decisions to opt into additional networks.




Operator Name: AlphaDegens

Website: AlphaDegens Twitter

Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

Experience: AlphaDegens has been actively involved in running testnet nodes since 2020, accumulating valuable experience across various testnets such as Celestia, Dymension, IronFish, ALEO, Avail, and more.

Team: The AlphaDegens team consists of approximately 10 individuals with backgrounds in computer science.

Mainnet restake amount: AlphaDegens currently stakes more than 10 ETH natively on the mainnet.

Where do you run your infra: Operates its infrastructure in the Asia-Middle East region.

Operator commission rate: Sets its operator commission rate at 10%.

Performance Metrics: AlphaDegens prioritizes uptime as a key performance metric. With a robust infrastructure and diligent management, AlphaDegens has achieved over 60 days of continuous uptime in the EigenDA AVS.

EigenDA Testnet Performance:

Describe your experience running the EigenDA testnet: Running the EigenDA testnet has been a valuable learning experience for AlphaDegens. We dedicated significant resources to ensure seamless operation and actively participated in network testing and troubleshooting to contribute to the stability and reliability of the testnet.

How long were you in the active set? AlphaDegens consistently maintained its position in the active set throughout the EigenDA testnet period(About 60 Days), showcasing our commitment to reliable node operation and network participation.

What were your performance metrics? During our participation in the EigenDA testnet, AlphaDegens achieved impressive performance metrics, including high uptime. Our infrastructure’s reliability and responsiveness were consistently demonstrated throughout the testing phase.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:

Are you running any AVS testnets other than EigenDA? Yes, AlphaDegens is actively engaged in running various AVS testnets, including but not limited to EigenDA.

Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to? We continuously evaluate and consider participating in additional AVSs based on their technological advancements, community engagement, and potential for network growth. Our decision to opt into specific AVSs will be guided by thorough research and analysis to ensure alignment with our goals and values.

How do you plan to evaluate AVSs? AlphaDegens employs a comprehensive evaluation process for assessing AVS opportunities. This process includes technical analysis of the underlying protocol, assessment of network governance mechanisms, consideration of community dynamics, and evaluation of potential economic incentives. By conducting thorough due diligence, we aim to identify AVSs that offer sustainable growth opportunities and align with our operational capabilities.

Are there any types of AVSs you would not opt into? While we maintain an open-minded approach to exploring new AVS opportunities, AlphaDegens prioritizes networks that demonstrate strong fundamentals, robust technical infrastructure, and active community support. AVSs lacking transparent governance structures, clear value propositions, or sustainable economic models may not align with our criteria for participation.


Operator Name: ByteBenders
Website: https://www.bytebenders.xyz/
Operator Profile: Institutional Staker
Experience: Our team consists of 6 data analysts at Flipside Crypto.
We have been working individually in this field since 2021 and formed our team in 2023.In this year, we won both FPL Best Data Analyst competitions at Flipside.
Six months ago, we decided to participate in node launches and major events related to the cryptocurrency world to increase our blockchain knowledge.
Team: Our team consists of 6 data analysts at Flipside Crypto.
Where do you run your infra: Germany, Europe
What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: Between 3% and 5%
Performance Metrics: we started our initial onboarding on January 15, 2024.
Our operator has had an uptime of over 98%.
Mainnet restake amount: Yes, we currently natively restake +30 ETH on the mainnet.
EigenDA Testnet Performance:Until March 7, we tried to keep 90% of our nodes in the eigenda.
However, due to a shortage of gETH, we were delisted on some days during this period.I estimate that we had an uptime of at least 80% during this time frame.
Describe your experience running the EigenDA testnet:Everything was great, the only thing that bothered us was the high competition to stay in Eigenda.
How long were you in the active set? +50 ِdays
Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:Yes,We are excited about this.
Are you running any AVS testnets other than EigenDA? not yet
Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to? mangata
How do you plan to evaluate AVSs?The most important metric is the technology and the solution to the problems in Defi space.
CoFounder twitter: https://twitter.com/rezarwz

Operator Name: Cyrus the great

Website: https://twitter.com/KeivanCrypto

Operator Profile: Solo-Staker

Experience: I have been working in the field of web3 for about 3 years and I love ethereum and I am familiar with all types of layer 2 projects and I am also interested in the field of node implementation for projects and…

Team: I am alone and have no team, and I said that I am active in web3 and crypto.

Where do you run your infra: in Middle East

What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 5-8% TDB

Performance Metrics: My commitment shows my performance criteria as well as being active and available. (uptime : 30 days).

EigenDA Testnet Performance: We actively participated in the EigenDA testnet for more than 30 days.
During this time, our performance metrics included an uptime exceeding 90% demonstrating our commitment to maintaining reliable node operations. Additionally, our participation rate in network activities and governance processes was consistently high, contributing to the overall success and stability of the testnet.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
Yes, we are considering participating in additional AVSs.
Our evaluation criteria for AVSs include assessing their performance, security features, scalability, governance mechanisms, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. We prioritize AVSs that align with our mission and values, and we conduct thorough testing and analysis before making any decisions to opt into additional networks.

Operator Name: Triangle

Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

Experience: Trianglehas three years of experience in blockchain operations, running nodes for projects such as Celestia, Obol, Aleo, Sui, Dym, and Aptos and etc. Our focus on building strong communities and ensuring reliable infrastructure has been integral to our success in contributing to various blockchain networks.

Team: Our team comprises experienced professionals with backgrounds in blockchain technology, finance, and operations. We bring a diverse range of skills and expertise to ensure the successful operation of our node. Our team members have extensive experience in blockchain infrastructure management, software development, financial analysis, and community engagement. Together, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of performance and security in our operations.
Mainnet restake amount: Yes, we currently natively restake on the mainnet.

Where do you run your infra: We run our infrastructure in Middle East

Operator commission rate: We plan to set our operator commission rate at 5-8% TDB

Performance Metrics: Our past performance metrics demonstrate our commitment to reliability and operational excellence. With an uptime of more than 50 days, we have consistently maintained a high level of availability, ensuring continuous operation and minimal downtime for the networks we support.
Uptime: over 50 days

EigenDA Testnet Performance:
We actively participated in the EigenDA testnet for more than 50 days.
During this time, our performance metrics included an uptime exceeding 90% demonstrating our commitment to maintaining reliable node operations. Additionally, our participation rate in network activities and governance processes was consistently high, contributing to the overall success and stability of the testnet.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
Yes, we are considering participating in additional AVSs.
Our evaluation criteria for AVSs include assessing their performance, security features, scalability, governance mechanisms, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. We prioritize AVSs that align with our mission and values, and we conduct thorough testing and analysis before making any decisions to opt into additional networks.


Operator Name: Hamid

Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

Experience: Hamid has three years of experience in blockchain operations, running nodes for projects such as Celestia, Obol, Aleo, Sui, Dym, and Aptos and etc. Our focus on building strong communities and ensuring reliable infrastructure has been integral to our success in contributing to various blockchain networks.

Team: Our team comprises experienced professionals with backgrounds in blockchain technology, finance, and operations. We bring a diverse range of skills and expertise to ensure the successful operation of our node. Our team members have extensive experience in blockchain infrastructure management, software development, financial analysis, and community engagement. Together, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of performance and security in our operations.
Mainnet restake amount: Yes, we currently natively restake on the mainnet.

Where do you run your infra: We run our infrastructure in Middle East

Operator commission rate: We plan to set our operator commission rate at 5-8% TDB

Performance Metrics: Our past performance metrics demonstrate our commitment to reliability and operational excellence. With an uptime of more than 50 days, we have consistently maintained a high level of availability, ensuring continuous operation and minimal downtime for the networks we support.
Uptime: over 50 days

EigenDA Testnet Performance:
We actively participated in the EigenDA testnet for more than 50 days.
During this time, our performance metrics included an uptime exceeding 90% demonstrating our commitment to maintaining reliable node operations. Additionally, our participation rate in network activities and governance processes was consistently high, contributing to the overall success and stability of the testnet.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
Yes, we are considering participating in additional AVSs.
Our evaluation criteria for AVSs include assessing their performance, security features, scalability, governance mechanisms, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. We prioritize AVSs that align with our mission and values, and we conduct thorough testing and analysis before making any decisions to opt into additional networks.


Operator Name: Baran

Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

Experience: With three years of expertise in blockchain operations, Gemgym has been actively involved in running nodes for renowned projects such as Celestia, Obol, Aleo, Sui, Dym, and Aptos, among others. Our dedication to fostering robust communities and ensuring dependable infrastructure has been pivotal in our contributions to various blockchain networks.

Team: Our team comprises seasoned professionals with backgrounds in blockchain technology, finance, and operations. We bring a diverse array of skills and expertise to ensure the seamless operation of our node. With extensive experience in blockchain infrastructure management, software development, financial analysis, and community engagement, we are steadfast in upholding the highest standards of performance and security.

Mainnet restake amount: Yes, we currently natively restake on the mainnet.

Where do you run your infra: Our infrastructure is situated in the Middle East.

Operator commission rate: We intend to set our operator commission rate at 5-8% TDB (To Be Determined).

Performance Metrics: Demonstrating our commitment to reliability and operational excellence, our past performance metrics boast an uptime of over 50 days. We have consistently upheld a high level of availability, ensuring uninterrupted operation and minimal downtime for the networks we support.

EigenDA Testnet Performance: Active participation in the EigenDA testnet for over 50 days underscores our dedication. During this period, our performance metrics showcased an uptime exceeding 90%, underscoring our commitment to maintaining reliable node operations. Additionally, our robust participation rate in network activities and governance processes significantly contributed to the overall success and stability of the testnet.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: Affirmative, we are contemplating participating in additional AVSs (Advanced Staking Validators). Our evaluation criteria encompass assessing their performance, security features, scalability, governance mechanisms, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. We prioritize AVSs that resonate with our mission and values, conducting meticulous testing and analysis before opting into additional networks.

Social Media Links:

Operator Name: Zoya

Operator Profile: With three years of experience in blockchain operations, Gemgym has been actively involved in running nodes for projects such as Celestia, Obol, Aleo, Sui, Dym, and Aptos, among others. Our focus on building strong communities and ensuring reliable infrastructure has been integral to our success in contributing to various blockchain networks.

Team: Our team comprises experienced professionals with backgrounds in blockchain technology, finance, and operations. We bring a diverse range of skills and expertise to ensure the successful operation of our node. Our team members have extensive experience in blockchain infrastructure management, software development, financial analysis, and community engagement. Together, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of performance and security in our operations.

Mainnet restake amount: Yes, we currently natively restake on the mainnet.

Where do you run your infra: Our infrastructure is situated in the Middle East.

Operator commission rate: We plan to set our operator commission rate at 5-8% TDB (To Be Determined).

Performance Metrics: Our past performance metrics demonstrate our commitment to reliability and operational excellence. With an uptime of over 50 days, we have consistently maintained a high level of availability, ensuring continuous operation and minimal downtime for the networks we support.

EigenDA Testnet Performance: We actively participated in the EigenDA testnet for more than 50 days. During this time, our performance metrics included an uptime exceeding 90%, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining reliable node operations. Additionally, our participation rate in network activities and governance processes was consistently high, contributing to the overall success and stability of the testnet.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: Yes, we are considering participating in additional AVSs (Advanced Staking Validators). Our evaluation criteria for AVSs include assessing their performance, security features, scalability, governance mechanisms, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. We prioritize AVSs that align with our mission and values, and we conduct thorough testing and analysis before making any decisions to opt into additional networks.

Social Media Links:


Operator: CryptoCetus
Website: https://cryptocetus.com/
Operator Profile: Institutional Staker
Infrastructure Region: Europe
Commission Rate: Operator commission rate falls within the 5-10% range (TBD)

Expertise: Over the span of three years, CryptoCetus has carved a niche in the realm of blockchain operations, diligently running nodes for esteemed projects including Celestia, Obol, Aleo, Sui, Dym, Aptos, and more. Our unwavering focus on fostering robust communities and establishing dependable infrastructure stands as the cornerstone of our triumphant journey across diverse blockchain networks.

Team Composition: Our adept team comprises seasoned professionals hailing from varied backgrounds encompassing blockchain technology, finance, and operational domains. Equipped with a diverse skill set and profound expertise, we ensure seamless operation of our nodes. Our team members boast extensive proficiency in blockchain infrastructure management, software development, financial analysis, and community outreach. Together, we remain steadfast in upholding unparalleled standards of performance and security in all our endeavors.
Mainnet restake amount: Affirmative, we presently engage in native restaking on the mainnet.

Performance Evaluation: Our track record speaks volumes about our unwavering dedication to reliability and operational excellence. Boasting an uptime exceeding a month’s duration, we have consistently upheld impeccable availability, ensuring uninterrupted operations and minimal downtimes for the networks under our patronage.

EigenDA Testnet Performance: Actively engaged in the EigenDA testnet for over a month, our performance metrics paint a picture of steadfast commitment to maintaining robust node operations. With uptime exceeding 90%, we have consistently demonstrated our dedication to reliability. Moreover, our active participation rate in network activities and governance processes has significantly contributed to the overall success and stability of the testnet.

Expansion Plans: Indeed, we are contemplating participation in additional Autonomous Validation Systems (AVSs). Our assessment criteria for AVSs encompass performance evaluation, security attributes, scalability, governance mechanisms, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. We accord priority to AVSs that resonate with our mission and values, conducting comprehensive testing and analysis before committing to additional networks.

Operator Name: RUYAANALYST

Website: https://twitter.com/RUYAANALYST

Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

Experience: Over the course of the last three years, RUYAANALYST has sharpened its expertise in blockchain operations, managing nodes for a range of notable projects including Celestia, Obol, Aleo, Sui, Dym, and Aptos, among others. Our steadfast commitment to cultivating thriving communities and ensuring robust infrastructure has been essential to our contributions across diverse blockchain networks.

Team: Within our team, we have seasoned experts with varied backgrounds in blockchain technology, finance, and operations. As a collective, we possess a wide range of skills to guarantee the seamless operation of our node. Drawing from extensive experience in overseeing blockchain infrastructure, software development, financial analysis, and community engagement, our primary focus is on upholding top-tier standards of performance and security.

Mainnet restake amount: Certainly, we are deeply involved in restaking on the mainnet.

Infrastructure Location: Our infrastructure is strategically positioned in Türkiye

Operator Commission Rate: At present, we are in the process of concluding our commission rate, targeting a range of 6-8%, with additional information forthcoming.

Performance Metrics: Our past performance reflects our steadfast commitment to reliability and operational excellence. Maintaining consistently high availability, we ensure minimal downtime for the networks we support, thereby demonstrating our dedication to operational efficiency.

EigenDA Testnet Performance: Engaged in the EigenDA testnet, we’ve showcased our commitment to ensuring reliable node operations. With an uptime exceeding 95%, we reaffirm our commitment to reliability. Furthermore, our significant engagement in network activities and governance processes has greatly enhanced the overall success and stability of the testnet.

Plans to Opt into Additional AVSs: we are actively exploring avenues to integrate additional AVSs into our operations. Our evaluation process considers various elements such as performance, security features, scalability, governance mechanisms, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. We give preference to networks that align with our mission and values, conducting thorough testing and analysis before any decisions are made to integrate them.

Operator Name: SWATGYM

Website: https://twitter.com/SWATTEAM_EIGEN

Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

**Experience:**In recent years, SWATGYM has cultivated its proficiency in blockchain operations, overseeing nodes for notable projects like Celestia, Sui, and Aptos, among others. Our steadfast dedication to fostering dynamic communities and guaranteeing robust infrastructure has played a crucial role in our impact across diverse blockchain networks.

Team: Our team consists of experienced individuals with varied backgrounds in blockchain technology, finance, and operations. Collectively, we possess a rich array of skills and knowledge to guarantee the smooth functioning of our node. Leveraging our extensive expertise in overseeing blockchain infrastructure, developing software, conducting financial analysis, and engaging with communities, we prioritize maintaining top-tier standards of performance and security.

Mainnet restake amount: Certainly, we actively engage in restaking on the mainnet.

Infrastructure Location: Our infrastructure is strategically situated in the Middle East.

Operator Commission Rate: We are in the process of completing our commission rate, targeting a range of five to eight percent, with additional information to follow.

Performance Metrics: Our historical performance metrics underscore our unwavering dedication to reliability and operational excellence. With consistently high uptime, we have ensured minimal downtime for the networks we support, maintaining optimal availability at all times.

EigenDA Testnet Performance: Actively engaging in the EigenDA testnet for an extended period, we’ve showcased our dedication to maintaining reliable node operations. With an uptime exceeding ninety percent, we reaffirm our commitment to reliability. Furthermore, our substantial participation in network activities and governance processes has greatly contributed to the overall success and stability of the testnet.

Plans to Opt into Additional AVSs: Absolutely, we are actively investigating possibilities to join more AVSs. Our assessment includes multiple factors like performance, security features, scalability, governance mechanisms, and compatibility with our current infrastructure. We give preference to networks that resonate with our mission and principles, conducting comprehensive testing and analysis before committing to additional networks.

  • Operator Name: Se7en
  • Website: [https://twitter.com/liverbipool)
  • Operator Profile: Solo-Staker
    Social Links: https://twitter.com/liverbipool
  • Experience: Over four years of experience in crypto space and deploying smart contracts on Ethereum and L2 networks and also marketing, community moderator and deploying nodes and also creator and collector in NFT space.
  • Team: * Our core team is made up of skilled smart contract developers deeply versed in DeFi strategies. We’ve got a solid crew that’s passionate about crypto and infrastructure, all of whom come from tech backgrounds including programming, networking.
  • Mainnet restake amount: +100 ETH
  • Where do you run your infra: Germany, Romania
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 3 % (may be changed)
  • Performance Metrics: 99.8%
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance: Active set from phase 2 Dec-10-2023 (+60 days active set), 99,8% uptime, 99% chunks signed
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    Participated: EigenDa
    Plan to opt-in: AltLayer, Omni
  • Operator Name: HyperDA
  • Website: hyperco.xyz
  • Operator Profile: DAO of individual Stakers
  • Experience: With 3 years of experience as a web3 protocols contributor, HyperCO has extensive experience in operating various nodes such as Autonity, a layer 1 for clearing derivative exchanges, Celestia, a modular blockchain, Dymension, a modular infrastracture for deploying Rollapps as layers 2s, Obol, a technology for distributed validators on Ethereum, and Aleo & Taiko Testnet Provers, Massa Testnet, Fleek Testnet, Chainflip Validator, ethc. Our focus is not only on providing an effort to help the Web3 protocol infrastructures by operating nodes but also on helping people understand the protocols better and we achieve this by creating valuable content and tutorials about the projects we contribute to or any trending protocol in the crypto space.
  • Team: Our team consists of individuals with backgrounds in early Ethereum POW and POS staking and investing, financial analysis, over 6 years of DevOps experience, node operation, influencers and content creators with large audience.
    We are eagerly committed to serving the crypto enthusiasts by generously offering free educational content. Our passionate aim is to empower users, enrich their experience and contribute significantly to the vibrant web3 space.
  • Mainnet restake amount: We prefer to keep our stake amount private
  • Where do you run your infra: Based on Europe and East Asia
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 4-5%
  • Performance Metrics: With uptime of over 99.2%, which is a clear testament to our dedication towards network security and performance. Our operational success is fundamentally supported by our forward-thinking strategy in managing infrastructure and mitigating risks.
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
    The EigenDA testnet allowed us for applying our diverse skills in topics such as technical operations to restaking participation. It has enabled us to make meaningful contributions to the development and stability of the network.
    • Describe your experience running the EigenDA testnet.
    • How long were you in the active set?
      We have proudly been actively involved in the testnet for 2 months
    • What were your performance metrics?
      Our node has shown exceptional performance, with almost high and healthy uptime and active participation in the operating process. This clearly highlights our unwavering commitment to preserving the network’s integrity.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    • Are you running any AVS testnets other than EigenDA?
      Indeed, we are involved in a few AVS projects

    • Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to?
      We’re excited about projects such as Hyperlane, Altlayer, and Ritual.

    • How do you plan to evaluate AVSs?
      We place a strong emphasis on the technical innovations

    • Are there any types of AVSs you would not opt into?
      We approach projects with a discerning eye, particularly those that do not exhibit clear transparency or fail to meet our stringent criteria for security and decentralization.