Operators Mainnet Campaign

  • Operator Name: mehrshaad369
  • Operator Profile: DAO Staker.
  • Experience: we has really made its mark on the blockchain world, not just by smart investing but by getting our hands dirty with some serious technical work, especially when it comes to running nodes. Take Ethereum 2.0, for exampleā€”our team was all over that, proving we were all-in for Ethereumā€™s big move to Proof of Stake. Then thereā€™s Polkadot and Cosmos, where weā€™ve been keeping things tight and decentralized by running validators like a boss. But wait, thereā€™s moreā€”weā€™re also getting in on the ground floor with some cutting-edge stuff like Avail, which is all about making blockchain apps scale, and Obol, which is set to beef up the security game for distributed validators. And letā€™s not forget Celestia; weā€™re right there, pushing the envelope on making blockchains more scalable and flexible. Our track record is as diverse as it gets, showing weā€™re not just versatile; weā€™re committed to building a strong, decentralized internet.
  • Team: Here at Mehrshaad369, weā€™re all about setting the digital world free and making sure everyone gets a piece of the pie with decentralized networks. Weā€™ve been in the Proof-of-Stake game for years, and they know their stuff inside out. Weā€™re not just playing around; weā€™re here to make a real difference and give power back to the people.
  • Mainnet restake amount: Prefer not to disclose
  • Where do you run your infra: Europe and East Asia
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 5-8 %
  • Performance Metrics: Our past performance metrics demonstrate our commitment to reliability and operational excellence. With an uptime of more than 30 days, we have consistently maintained a high level of availability, ensuring continuous operation and minimal downtime for the networks we support.
    Uptime: 99.9% uptime
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
  • Diving into the EigenDA testnet was like a wild ride through the land of experimentationā€”talk about an eye-opener! We were living it up in the active set for a solid month, right up to the grand finale of the Goerli testnet. And guess what? We nailed an uptime of more than 99%ā€”pretty slick, right? Setting up the node was a piece of cake, too, thanks to some super clear instructions that even a newbie could follow.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
  • Weā€™re totally vibing with some cool projects out thereā€”Espresso, Mangata, Drosera, and Omni are our current jam, and weā€™re all about broadening our horizons in the near future. When it comes to picking our AVS squad, weā€™re looking at the heavy hitters in security, the ones with a fanbase thatā€™s all about community support, and the game-changers that could send ripples through the vast Ethereum ecosystem.

[quote=ā€œSu_Eigen, post:1, topic:12828ā€]

  • **Operator Name:some operator 1

  • **Website:https://www.yollar.cfd

  • **Operator Profile:solo staker

  • **Experience:efforting on data in web 3

  • **Team: solo staker

  • **Where do you run your infra:turkey

  • **What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate:10 %

  • **Performance Metrics:We have 99.92% uptime on EigenDA testate we an avrage of 3.5h for updating to the latest version.

  • **EigenDA Testnet Performance:90 %

  • How long were you in the active set?From dec-2023

  • Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to? Yes, weā€™re looking for more info about the upcoming AVSs.

Operator Name: AU Validator

Operator address: 0x0d0ced7081e0451abd87f976f21c406527f5c90b

Website: nodegeek.xyz

Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

Experience: Weā€™ve been in the blockchain space since 2018, running nodes for projects like Celestia, Avail, and Aleo. Our team has a strong background in data science, blockchain tech, and network infrastructure.

Team: Our team consists of data scientists and ML engineers, and are open to hire blockchain specialists, network engineers and software developers to ensure our nodes are always up and running smoothly.

Mainnet restake amount: 10 ETH

Where do you run your infra: Australia, EU

Operator commission rate: 5-8% TBD

Performance Metrics: Our performance metrics boast a 100% signing rate while opted-in and an overall uptime of 99.99%.

EigenDA Testnet Performance:

Weā€™ve been in the AVS since November 2023, providing stability and troubleshooting by monitoring metrics, and demonstrated our consistent performance.
During the testnet we consistently upgraded our nodes within 1-3 hours of each announcement and resolved any issues.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:

Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to:
Weā€™re excited about the potential of Espresso and are planning to opt-in once itā€™s live. We believe it could bring significant value to the Eigen ecosystem.

How do you plan to evaluate AVSs:
When evaluating AVSs, we look at the technology first and foremost. Does it solve real problems in the DeFi space? Is the team experienced and capable? We also consider factors like tokenomics, governance structure, and community engagement.

Are there any types of AVSs you would not opt into:
Weā€™re open to exploring most AVS opportunities, but we do have some red lines. We wonā€™t participate in AVSs with anonymous teams, questionable tech, or lack of transparency. We also avoid projects that seem more focused on hype than substance. Ultimately, weā€™re looking for AVSs that align with our values and have the potential to drive the ecosystem forward in a meaningful way.


Hello everyone,

I am excited to announce my candidacy as an Institutional Node Operator for the EigenLayer mainnet launch. Below are the details of my submission:

  • Operator Name: Eye of Providence
  • Website: www.0xeop.xyz
  • Operator Profile: Institutional Staker
  • Experience: With a proven track record in institutional-grade node operations, our team brings 10 years of combined experience in managing complex infrastructures.
  • Team: Our dedicated team consists of seasoned professionals with expertise in blockchain technology, cybersecurity, and financial services.
  • Mainnet restake amount: As an institutional node, we are committed to natively restaking 100 ETH to support network stability.
  • Where do you run your infra: Our infrastructure is strategically located in North America, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.
  • Operator commission rate: We aim to set a competitive commission rate at 5% to maximize rewards for our delegators.
  • Performance Metrics: Our stringent performance standards guarantee exceptional uptime of 99.9% and accuracy, providing a seamless experience for all stakeholders.
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
    • During our participation in the EigenDA testnet, we demonstrated robust performance, maintaining a spot in the active set for 30 days with exemplary metrics.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    • As an institutional node, we are actively evaluating various AVS testnets to identify opportunities for diversification and optimization.
    • We are open to opting into additional AVSs that align with our risk management and performance objectives.
  • Additional Information:
    • 0xeop Venture Capital is committed to upholding the highest standards of performance and reliability as an institutional node operator. Our mission is to contribute to the success and growth of the EigenLayer ecosystem.

We are looking forward to the opportunity to serve as a trusted node operator on the EigenLayer mainnet.

Warm regards,
CEO, 0xeop Venture Capital

Operator Name: Kevin

Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

Experience: we have three years of experience in blockchain operations, running nodes for projects such as Celestia, Obol, Aleo, Sui, Dym, and Aptos and etc.

Team: Our team comprises experienced professionals with backgrounds in blockchain technology, finance, and operations. We bring a diverse range of skills and expertise to ensure the successful operation of our node. Our team members have extensive experience in blockchain infrastructure management, software development, financial analysis, and community engagement. Together, we are
committed to maintaining the highest standards of performance and security in our operations.

Mainnet restake amount: Yes, we currently natively restake on the mainnet.

Where do you run your infra: We run our infrastructure in Finland

Operator commission rate: We plan to set our operator commission rate at 4%

Performance Metrics: Our collective efforts have culminated in a consistent uptime of all time, demonstrating our commitment to network security and performance. Our proactive approach to infrastructure management and risk mitigation underpins our operational success.

EigenDA Testnet Performance: We actively participated in the EigenDA testnet. Additionally, our participation rate in network activities and governance processes was consistently high, contributing to the overall success and stability of the testnet.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: Affirmative, we are contemplating participating in additional AVSs (Advanced Staking Validators). Our evaluation criteria encompass assessing their performance, security features, scalability, governance mechanisms, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. We prioritize AVSs that resonate with our mission and values, conducting meticulous testing and analysis before opting into additional networks.


Operator Name: Asena (on Goerli)

Operator profile: Individual Staker

Experience: I have been in Crypto from 6 years ago and I started my activity in this field with BTC mining. I have another activities like buy and sell tokens/coins, NFTs, running Nodes like Avail and etc.

Team: I have no team and everything done by myself.

Where do you run your infra: Europe

Performance Metrics: I think My validator performance was good and and it didnā€™t have problems during itā€™s activity.

Uptime: about 30 days

EigenDA Testnet Performance: My validator activated on Goerli for 30 days and itā€™s uptime was above 95% I think.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: No I donā€™t have any plan to be activated on mainnet.

  • Operator Name: pooyataad

  • Website: somethingbad.xyz

  • Operator Profile: Solo-Staker.

  • Experience: Having commenced running validator nodes since May 2022, Iā€™ve actively participated in over 20 networks.

  • Team: Despite three years of experience in running nodes of different projects and interest in securing new networks and new ideas

  • Mainnet restake amount: 1.86ETH

  • **Where do you run your infra:**US, CA, EU(DE,FI, FR)

  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 2%

  • Performance Metrics: https://goerli.eigenlayer.xyz/operator/0xe1D94A621b1e275adc86cCA6f6dd2E1ed99DfAD6

  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:

    • The EigenDA testnet involved initializing the data layer and applications, although I couldnā€™t extensively test it due to the inactive set. Regrettably, I didnā€™t achieve active set status on the Goerli testnet, but I intend to join the set on Holesky. Unfortunately, I couldnā€™t obtain any metrics due to my inability to reach the active set on Goerli.
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:

    • Participated in AVS testnets - Avail, Ritual.

Operator Name: Hiva

Operator Profile: HivaCo is not just a participant in the blockchain ecosystem; we are its architects. With three years of hands-on experience in blockchain operations, weā€™ve been the backbone of projects like Celestia, Obol, Aleo, Sui, Dym, and Aptos, among others. Our commitment to fostering robust communities and fortifying infrastructure has propelled us to the forefront of blockchain innovation.

Team: Our team is a powerhouse of talent, bringing together experts in blockchain technology, finance, and operations. We donā€™t just operate nodes; we engineer success. With diverse expertise ranging from blockchain infrastructure management to software development and financial analysis, our team is dedicated to setting new standards of excellence and security in the industry.

Mainnet restake amount: Restaking on the mainnet isnā€™t just a strategy; itā€™s our commitment to the future of blockchain.

Where do you run your infra: Our infrastructure thrives in the dynamic landscape of the Middle East, where innovation meets opportunity.

Operator commission rate: Weā€™re setting the bar high with an operator commission rate of 5-8%, reflecting our dedication to value and integrity.

Performance Metrics: Our track record speaks volumes. With an uptime of over 50 days, weā€™ve showcased unwavering reliability and operational prowess, ensuring seamless performance and minimal downtime for the networks we support.

EigenDA Testnet Performance: Weā€™re not just participants; weā€™re pace-setters. During our active involvement in the EigenDA testnet for over 50 days, our uptime exceeded an impressive 90%. Our unwavering commitment to reliable node operations and active participation in network activities and governance processes underscore our role as catalysts for stability and success.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: Our hunger for innovation knows no bounds. Yes, weā€™re exploring opportunities to participate in additional AVSs (Advanced Staking Validators). Our criteria are stringent, focusing on performance, security features, scalability, governance mechanisms, and alignment with our mission and values. We donā€™t just join networks; we ignite movements.

Social Media Links:

Operator Name: CryptoWhizard

Website: twitter.com/CryptoWhizard

Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

Experience: CryptoWhizard boasts three years of expertise in blockchain operations, managing nodes for various projects including Celestia, Aleo, Aptos, Dymention and others. Our focus on community building and robust infrastructure has been key to our success in supporting diverse blockchain networks.

Team: Our team is composed of seasoned professionals from backgrounds in blockchain technology and operations, ensuring a diverse skill set for effective node operation. With extensive experience in blockchain infrastructure management, software development, financial analysis, and community engagement, we uphold the highest standards of performance and security.

Mainnet restake amount: Yes, we actively engage in native restaking on the mainnet.

Infrastructure Location: Our infrastructure is based in the Middle East.

Operator commission rate: Our operator commission rate is set between 5-10%.

Performance Metrics: With an uptime surpassing 100 days, we consistently deliver reliable and operationally excellent service, minimizing downtime for the networks we support.

Uptime: Over 100 days

EigenDA Testnet Performance: Actively participating in the EigenDA testnet for over 100 days, we have maintained an uptime exceeding 90%, ensuring reliable node operations. Our consistent engagement in network activities and governance processes has significantly contributed to the testnetā€™s overall success and stability.

Plans for Additional AVSs: We are considering participation in additional AVSs, prioritizing those that align with our mission and values. Our evaluation criteria include performance, security features, scalability, governance mechanisms, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. Thorough testing and analysis precede any decisions to join additional networks.

Operator Name: manutd
Operator Profile: Solo-Staker.
Experience and Team: Despite being four friends engaged in various fields of cryptocurrency,
our shared enthusiasm for learning about crypto is evident. Our team possess over two years of
hands-on experience in staking and managing nodes, along with a track record of running validator
nodes since 2022. Furthermore, we have actively participated in over ten networks, including
Starknet and Celestia.
Mainnet restake amount: Only restaked with lst
Where do you run your infra: Europe like germany and netherlands
What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 5 %
Performance Metrics: 99.9% uptime, 24/7
EigenDA Testnet Performance:Throughout our participation in the EigenDA testnet, which
initially comprised an activation set of 90 members, we experienced several instances of being
removed by gETH whales. However,we promptly rejoined each time the active set was expanded.
Overall, we remained active for approximately two month, encountering various updates that were
implemented successfully, maintaining an uptime of over 99%. Despite encountering challenges,
such as needing to reinstall once, we remained proactive by closely monitoring updates on GitHub
and promptly addressing any issues we encountered, demonstrating our enthusiasm for
contributing to the network.
Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: We intend to participate in promising modular and AVS-
supporting blockchains like Fuel and Avail chain, with an openness to consider any AVS that meets
our criteria. Our evaluation of AVSs will prioritize community sentiment and team credibility.
Currently, weā€™re considering opting in for various AVS options, beginning with Espresso and Avail,
as part of our exploration into different possibilities.

Operator Name:
Mach5 Validators
Address: 0x72afFB48A5B56436c79777376aBb25dC84f99bf3


Operator Profile:
We are a diverse team of five individuals with a range of skill sets, including development, business studies, and legal backgrounds. Since 2018, weā€™ve been deeply engaged in the cryptocurrency space, accruing extensive experience in node operation across multiple networks.

With nearly four years of experience in node operations, our team has actively participated in various projects, including Celestia, Zora, Taiko, Avail, Orai, Aleo, and Eigenlayer. We pride ourselves on maintaining an overall uptime of over 99% and promptly implementing updates as needed.

Our team consists of seasoned developers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts who have been actively involved in the Web3 space for over five years. With a diverse skill set encompassing backend, frontend and Solidity development. We bring a comprehensive approach to our work. Our dedication to node operation goes beyond mere hobbyism; we approach it with full dedication and professionalism, transitioning towards an institutional model with a focus on reliability and excellence.

Mainnet Restake Amount:
Prefer not to disclose.

Where do you run your infra:
All of our servers are strategically located in the EU, distributed across various data centers to ensure redundancy and reliability.

What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate:
We intend to set our commission rate at 5%.

Performance Metrics:
Our team has consistently showcased outstanding performance across numerous networks, marked by high uptime, swift implementation of upgrades, and adherence to best practices in node operation. Through successful participation in multiple projects, we have established a robust track record of reliability and technical proficiency.

EigenDA Testnet Performance:

Our experience with the EigenDA testnet was seamless. You can find the record here: https://goerli.eigenlayer.xyz/operator/0x72afFB48A5B56436c79777376aBb25dC84f99bf3

Weā€™ve effectively managed our nodes, promptly updating them as necessary and ensuring they run smoothly without any hiccups. A significant factor contributing to our success is our engaged community. As an integral part of an investor group, our community members delegate their stakes to our nodes, providing invaluable support. This backing has been instrumental in helping us consistently rank among the top performers in the AVS. From the outset, our goal has been to lead the way, and with the unwavering support of our community, weā€™ve achieved just that.

How long were you in the active set?
Greater than 3 months

Plans to Opt-into Additional AVSs:
While we havenā€™t yet committed to specific projects, our strategy revolves around thorough research to identify suitable opportunities within the AVS landscape. We maintain an open mindset and are willing to explore a wide range of projects. We ask teams to contact us at [email protected]

Operator Name and Goerli AVS Address:
Zug Nodes

Operator Profile: Solo-staker.

Experienced Team: ZUG Validators has extensive experience deploying Agoric, The Graph in testnet and mainnet. Focus is on AVS and running many of them. Team consists of one full time devops engineer with extensive experience in automated monitoring.

Mainnet Restaked Amount: Private Information.

EigenDA Testnet Performance:
In active set for almost two months. During this time we have very high uptime. We can guarantee a mainnet uptime of 99%. We are prepared for mainnet.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
Preparing Omni and Aligned Layer.

  • Operator Name:ABM Node MetaData
    Operator Name and Goerli AVS Address:

  • Website: www.abmnode.unaux.com

  • Operator Profile: Institutional Staker or Solo-Staker.

  • Experience: I possess 3 years of experience within the web3 sector. I hold a strong interest in Ethereum and possess familiarity with the various layer 2 projects. Additionally, I am drawn to the field of node implementation for projects.

  • Team: Iā€™m a self-starter actively engaged in the web3 and crypto space.

  • Where do you run your infra: in Middle East

  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: We planed to set our operator commission rate at 5-8% TDB

  • Performance Metrics: * Experience uninterrupted operations for your networks. Our commitment to reliability is proven by an uptime exceeding 50 days, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

  • EigenDA Testnet Performance: We crushed the EigenDA testnet! Over 30 days, we delivered rock-solid performance with uptime exceeding 90%. This wasnā€™t just about keeping things running; we actively engaged, consistently showing up for network activities and governance. Our dedication helped propel the testnet towards success!


  • Operator Name: bountyblok

  • Website: https://bountyblok.io

  • Operator Profile: Institutional Staker.

  • Experience: We are Validators / Operators on several networks including Polygon, WAX, Lido, Aelf and a few testnets: Coti, Avail, Lido Obol DVT, Lido SSV DVT. We are also a dev shop since 2013 and we developed web3 marketing tools in 2019 with 1000+ NFT projects, games, artists, etc mostly on Polygon, Hedera, WAX.

  • Team: We are a team of 8 based in Europe and Canada, with a strong technical background.
    LinkedIn of 2 founders:
    Dimitri Nikolaros: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dnikolaros/
    Jan Bui: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-bui-4b62383/

  • Mainnet restake amount: Currently none

  • Where do you run your infra: EU, Canada, US

  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 2-5% / competitive

  • Performance Metrics: We come from mission critical systems background having built and supported front office trading software in London and Zurich pre-web3 era. Our uptime is 99.9% we take mainnet and production systems very seriously. We only deploy our nodes on baremetal, nvme SSD drives, high bandwidth, high quality CPUs. We load balance anywhere we can, we fail-over/run back nodes in case of a disaster, ā€¦

    Operator: https://holesky.eigenlayer.xyz/operator/0xff4e1dae2384b2522e3a8e9afe3733c7e4386416

  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:

    • We launched our Operator today and successfully churned in the Holesky EigenDA AVS

    • Active set only for about an hour or so since we launched it today.

    • Metrics: None currently since itā€™s only been a few hours on Holesky

  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:

    • Are you running any AVS testnets other than EigenDA? Not currently.
    • Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to? Not sure yet
    • How do you plan to evaluate AVSs? Team experience, market demand, personal interest
    • Are there any types of AVSs you would not opt into? Not sure for now

Find us on X: @bountyblok @dnikolaros

Announcement Tweet: https://twitter.com/bountyblok/status/1776657706968830055

We look forward to be part of the EigenLayer family :purple_heart:

  • Operator Name: EigenYields
  • Website: https://eigenyields.xyz
  • Operator Profile: Institutional
  • Experience: EigenYields are a decentralized group of ETH maxis, we have broad and varied experience across Web3. Our team has qualifications and significant experience maintaining decentralized infrastructure since 2016. Our mission as an EigenLayer operator is to tokenize EigenLayer AVS yields, rewarding those that delegate their stakes to us with additional yield. Furthermore, EigenYields will operate as a DAO, where restakers and investors in EigenYields will have shared ownership and authority over AVS operations.
  • Mainnet restake amount: Upon launch, 100 ETH across stETH, rETH, sfrxETH, and swETH.
  • Where do you run your infra: We run our primary bare-metal infrastructure in the UK with failover infrastructure in the US, Tokyo, and Germany.
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: Initially 5%, the EigenYields DAO may further adjust the rate in the future.
  • Performance Metrics: We have a 99.9% uptime with no unscheduled outages. We utilise backup servers and snapshots for performing upgrades, which allows us to seamlessly update with no downtime.
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance: We boast a 100% signing rate across the Holesky and Goerli EigenDA testnets. We became active in the EigenDA set on the 18th Jan 2024, and have been signing batches ever since, we have not exited the active set and currently have 112 restakers. We operate in quorum 0 and 1, securing LSTs and WETH - our operatorId is 0x475ca3b08b5861bb0f8e49ebc14775847cf531c6c16a1473d4610d6f609f179c and further information is available on our site and EigenLayers operator profile.
    • Describe your experience running the EigenDA testnet. Communication from the EigenLayer team could have been better with faster responses to churner downtime and advanced notification of changes.
    • How long were you in the active set? 18th January 2024 continuously
    • What were your performance metrics? 100% signing rate
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: We are currently opted into additional AVSs with plans to opt-in to more.
    • Are you running any AVS testnets other than EigenDA? Yes, we currently run services for Omni Network and Eoracle.
    • Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to? AltLayer AVS.
    • How do you plan to evaluate AVSs? Decentralization and security are of course primary concerns, further AVSs will be evaluated by the EigenYields DAO.
    • Are there any types of AVSs you would not opt into? Centralized services.
  • Operator Name: Electra
  • Website: https://project9159165.tilda.ws/electra
  • Operator Profile: Solo-Staker
  • Experience: 2 years of operation in the blockchain and staking industry
  • Team: Our team consists of experienced blockchain engineers with backgrounds in computer science, cryptography, and network infrastructure.
  • Mainnet restake amount: 27 ETH
  • Where do you run your infra: Europe, Germany
  • What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: Planning to set the commission rate at 5%
  • Performance Metrics: Maintained 99.9% uptime in the last year. Achieved high transaction accuracy with minimal errors.
  • EigenDA Testnet Performance:
    • Participated in the EigenDA testnet for 2+ months.
    • Maintained a consistent uptime of 99.8%
  • Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
    • Are you running any AVS testnets other than EigenDA? No
    • Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to? Planning to opt into other AVSs, currently researching the options.
    • How do you plan to evaluate AVSs? Will evaluate AVSs based on their performance, security measures, and the teamā€™s expertise.
    • Are there any types of AVSs you would not opt into? Open to all AVSs that align with our operational standards and ethics.

Operator Name: Aram

Operator Profile: At Aram, we donā€™t just follow trends; we set them. With a solid three years of hands-on experience in blockchain operations, weā€™ve been the driving force behind projects like Celestia, Obol, Aleo, Sui, Dym, and Aptos. Our passion for building vibrant communities and our relentless pursuit of excellence in infrastructure have made us trailblazers in the blockchain space.

Team: Behind Aram stands a team of visionaries and experts, each with a unique set of skills and a shared commitment to innovation. From blockchain wizards to finance gurus and operational maestros, our team embodies the spirit of progress. Together, weā€™re not just running nodes; weā€™re shaping the future of decentralized technology.

Mainnet restake amount: For us, restaking on the mainnet isnā€™t just a strategy; itā€™s a statement of confidence in the power of blockchain to transform the world.

Where do you run your infra: Our infrastructure thrives in the beating heart of the Middle East, where ambition meets opportunity, and innovation knows no bounds.

Operator commission rate: Weā€™re setting the bar high with an operator commission rate of 5-8%, reflecting our unwavering commitment to value, integrity, and the future of decentralized finance.

Performance Metrics: We donā€™t just meet expectations; we exceed them. With an impressive uptime of over 50 days, our track record speaks volumes about our reliability and operational excellence. We ensure seamless performance and minimal downtime for the networks we support.

EigenDA Testnet Performance: We donā€™t just participate; we dominate. During our active engagement in the EigenDA testnet for over 50 days, our uptime soared above 90%, showcasing our dedication to reliable node operations and active involvement in network governance. At Aram , weā€™re not just players; weā€™re game-changers.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: Our hunger for innovation is insatiable. Yes, weā€™re actively exploring opportunities to participate in additional AVSs (Advanced Staking Validators). Our criteria are stringent, focusing on performance, security, scalability, governance, and alignment with our values. We donā€™t just join networks; we ignite revolutions.

[email protected]

**Operator Name: mahnoosh

Operator Profile: Institutional Staker

Experience: With three years of expertise in blockchain operations, Gemgym has been actively involved in running nodes for renowned projects such as Celestia, Obol, Aleo, Sui, Dym, and Aptos, among others. Our dedication to fostering robust communities and ensuring dependable infrastructure has been pivotal in our contributions to various blockchain networks.

Team: Our team comprises seasoned professionals with backgrounds in blockchain technology, finance, and operations. We bring a diverse array of skills and expertise to ensure the seamless operation of our node. With extensive experience in blockchain infrastructure management, software development, financial analysis, and community engagement, we are steadfast in upholding the highest standards of performance and security.

Mainnet restake amount: Yes, we currently natively restake on the mainnet.

Where do you run your infra: Our infrastructure is situated in the Middle East.

Operator commission rate: We intend to set our operator commission rate at 5-8% TDB (To Be Determined).

Performance Metrics: Demonstrating our commitment to reliability and operational excellence, our past performance metrics boast an uptime of over 50 days. We have consistently upheld a high level of availability, ensuring uninterrupted operation and minimal downtime for the networks we support.

EigenDA Testnet Performance: Active participation in the EigenDA testnet for over 50 days underscores our dedication. During this period, our performance metrics showcased an uptime exceeding 90%, underscoring our commitment to maintaining reliable node operations. Additionally, our robust participation rate in network activities and governance processes significantly contributed to the overall success and stability of the testnet.

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs: Affirmative, we are contemplating participating in additional AVSs (Advanced Staking Validators). Our evaluation criteria encompass assessing their performance, security features, scalability, governance mechanisms, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. We prioritize AVSs that resonate with our mission and values, conducting meticulous testing and analysis before opting into additional networks.

Social Media Links:

Operator Name:Valek
Website: https://valek.tech/
Operator Profile: Solo-staker (staker-team)
Experience: Valek is an institutional staking service provider with 5 years of experience in running high uptime infrastructure as one of the first oracles in the Chainlink Network.
Team: Early crypto adopters, private investors, highly skilled in Python, C++, and Rust, winners of several ZK proving testnets.
Mainnet restake amount: >10 ETH
Where do you run your infra: Infrastructure is strategically located across Europe and Asia to maximize connectivity and minimize latency in global supply chains.
What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 2.5%
Performance Metrics: 100%

Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
Are you running any AV test nets other than EigenDA?
We focused on EigenDA for bugs, as itā€™s the most basic level.

Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to?
Any that will look financially rewarding and trustworthy enough.
Examples: AltLayer, Espresso, Omni, Mangata, etc

How do you plan to evaluate AVSs?
Based on the general idea of the project, their github and team trustworthiness.

Are there any types of AVSs you would not opt into?
We do not plan to support projects that are aimed at short-term profit for the creators

Operator Name: WDMATER
Website: https://wdmaster.top
Operator Profile: Solo-Staker.
Experience: I have been a professional validator since 2020. I have taken part in many various Web 3 projects, actively participating in mainnets and testnets, active open source community contributor and blockchain contributor. I have passed through several testnets and was chosen as mainnet validator in such projects as solana, polkadot, kusama etc.
Team: we are a small group investors of like-minded persons, all of us have good experience and background in IT engineering and are willing to contribute and develop Web 3 technologies.
Mainnet restake amount: 1 ETH
Where do you run your infra: We use high-performance amd-line dedicated servers, which helps us ensure network security and smooth operation. To ensure decentralization, we use different host providers and geographical locations such as Canada, USA, Great Britain, Poland, Czech.
What rate do you plan to set your operator commission rate: 5 %
EigenDA Testnet Performance:
I have been in top 200 AWS for 2+ months
From the very beginning of running a validator in Eigenlayer testnet I have been in an active set supporting a high level of uptime and uninterrupted work of my validator.
My restaked points were 58 million points.
My performance metrics https://goerli.eigenlayer.xyz/operator/0x3a37e447293b5bcfe1a17fd4c0d2a1cd8f102227
Plans to opt-into additional AVSs:
Are you running any AVS testnets other than EigenDA? - yes: Taiko, Babylon, Solana, Avail
Are there any AVSs you plan to opt-in to? - I am looking for and ready to participate in AVSs based on useful and effective technology for Web 3 development.
How do you plan to evaluate AVSs? By community and necessity of the product
Are there any types of AVSs you would not opt into? If they do not meet my entry criteria.
Add links to the necessary social networks below. https://t.me/ezy_hook,
https://twitter.com/MAKSIM78876, @wdmaster:matrix.org